Lagom Smoothies

Here for you

11.7 million Australians agree there aren’t enough hours in the day. We know you are busy and need fast, effortless and nutritious meal solutions. Health and nutrition is important to you and you are increasingly seeking convenient, tailored options for maintaining your health and well-being and we are here to help.

Our Why

While recovering from food poisoning overseas, I craved a meal that was easy and convenient but also packed with nutrition – a meal that I could trust and provided both mental and physical energy.

This sparked the idea for a unique kind of formulated meal, one that wasn’t centred on weight loss or athletic performance, but rather on wholesome, real food nutrition.

I envisioned a convenient meal that anyone could enjoy as often as needed, providing the benefits of a healthy, balanced meal in a simple, effortless way.

Lagom Smoothies was born, embodying a commitment to health, convenience and balance for all.

Mitch Purvis

Lagom Smoothies Founder

We Really Mean It

Lagom Smoothies is a product and employer of choice through strong ethical and sustainable practices and exceptional quality products.

We will give back 10% of Net Profit annually to support our pillar causes.

  • Mental Health
  • Community Nutrition and Wellbeing
  • Sustainability

We are building towards being Carbon Neutral and continually strive to reduce waste. The Lagom Smoothie maker is made from recycled wheat straw (the leftover material from harvesting wheat). It’s eco-friendly, biodegradable, dishwasher safe and BPA free.

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find your balance

Between life, work, and family, you can rely on Lagom Smoothies to help you find the balance you need, when you need it.

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